100 Hz hydraulic update rate |
100 Hz blade position update rate |
Smoothness and accuracy comparable to motor graders |
Inertial technology |
3D Dozer Systems
How can we help?
(208) 324-2900
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We're looking forward to assisting you.
Single or dual antenna configurations |
Perform detailed as-builts with “bottom of the track” data |
Mastless, no more daily set up and take down procedure |
No blade bouncing |
Bright, easy-to-use color touch screen |
Upgradeable systems |
View machine position on siteplan in real-time |
Cut grade fast and accurate the first time |
Robust TS-i3 tilt sensor  |
In Cab 3D views of site plan for improved jobsite safety and project awareness |
Increases dozer applications  |
Intuitive grade guidance with GX-55 control box |
Topcon 3D-MC2 Dozer |
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Topcon 3D-MC2 Dozer
Topcon 3D-MCMAX |
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Topcon 3D-MCMAX
Topcon i-33 Grading System |
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Topcon i-33 Grading System
Topcon i-53 Indicate Dozer System |
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Topcon i-53 Indicate Dozer System